Malina Corpadean is a curator, visual artist, and advisor specializing in contemporary art. Twenty years of experience converting ideas and emotions into images have led her to found ArtContext_e, an art advisory for collections, curation, and collaboration.
When selecting artworks for exhibition or for a collection, she favours lasting significance over trends, with an eye for works that provide both insight and delight. “Distortion: Where to Now", a major group exhibition she curated by invitation at Cultural Goods Gallery for the 2023 CONTACT Photography Festival (Toronto), unveiled the imaginations of multiple artists, disciplines, and modes. She has a selective black book of art-lovers whom she advises on turning acquisitions into collections, ever mindful of her clients’ aspirations. As an advisor, she seeks out meaningful projects and artworks that bring value and quality to a wide array of contexts. Her boundless energy and capacious sense of taste result in sustained and surprising partnerships firmly grounded in the zeitgeist. In pursuing broad areas of artistic liaison, Malina Corpadean converts curiosity for collecting and curating into situations where art works.

Anne Roger is a collection manager and curator based in Montréal. Her keen eye for quality and originality make her a sought-after consultant for investors, publications, philanthropy, and public art acquisitions.
After obtaining a master’s degree in philosophy and contemporary art theory from Université Paris 8, she occupied a series of executive positions in cultural institutions in Paris, London, Florence, and Rome. For more than seven years, she was exhibitions manager at Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran before joining the executive team at the Catriona Jeffries Gallery (Vancouver). In 2022, she joined Giverny Capital as Collection Manager, overseeing their venues and exhibitions with the mission of preserving its permanent art collection of over 800 contemporary artworks. As an advisor for collectors and collections, Anne shares her boundless curiosity for how to appreciate a work of art in a way that convey the limitless potential it can gain when given a new frame, or special home. Anne Roger sees opportunities for growth and investment that combine the canonical and the contemporary, the perennial and the personal, in the collections she helps to define and expand.