Exposition collective: Distortion: Where to Now

Exposition collective: Distortion: Where to Now

Cultural Goods Gallery - 2023

Exposition collective: Gestures of Comfort

Exposition collective: Gestures of Comfort

Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran - 2019

Exposition collective: Playlist - la troisième édition

Exposition collective: Playlist - la troisième édition

Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran - 2018

Partenariat art/marque: Reebok et Giovanni Contardi

Partenariat art/marque: Reebok et Giovanni Contardi

Espace Never Apart - 2018

Installation d’art public: Less is More or / Aude Moreau

Installation d’art public: Less is More or / Aude Moreau

TD towers, Toronto - 2018
